Well I saw the movie a while ago and honestly wasn't that impressed. It was good enough to watch once but the plot didn't inspire me much and the dinosaurs seemed to look really poorly done. It's probably just me. Either way it doesn't matter because were off to....
Dinosaur Valley!
Yep, its the last camping trip of the summer and we are headed out to try a new location. Its only about a two hour drive to the campground as long as you don't try it during heavy traffic. In our case it was mid day Saturday and I had figured it should be easy traveling. Boy was I wrong. The main freeway that I needed to take has construction going on and it seemed that every other person in the state of Texas wanted to go through this roadway section at the same time as I did. It took 45 min to go south 5 miles on the I-35 west. I took the first possible alternative route that I could find.
The bus is still running hot but with much more consistant behavior. I think I will have to replace that radiator and while I have the coolant drained I might as well replace the water pump too. Then the hole system will be taken care of.
Two hours into the drive the kids were hot and hungry. Time for a dairy queen stop.
After a long lunch at the DQ we made the rest of the trek to the campground. I didn't tell the kids where we were going so as they started seeing different signs of dinosaur life I was giving them hints to get there mind peaked about the possibilities of where we could be headed. Finally when they saw us turn down the road with the sign for dinosaur valley they got really excited.
We pulled in and parked next to the ranger station at the entrance. I paid for our stay and got our campsite number while the kids were looking at all the displays of dinosaur stuff found around the area.
I had called in earlier that week and made a reservation for a site at the campground and he said I was lucky because there was only one left that would be large enough for the bus. I told him great well take it, and while he did a few things to pull up my state parks account I thanked God for saving a spot for the kids this weekend. When he had finished getting the spot reserved for us he said to me those are usually all taken up weeks ahead of time. I replied "Well, thank God, he saved one for us."
We got site #24 and when I pulled up next to the parking pad I was in awe. It was 100% covered with trees the was a perfect arch for us to back in under the branches and park.

A little while after we had most of our stuff set up a pair of curious little girls from the neighboring camp appeared at the edge of our camp where my kids where swinging in there hammocks. I said hello and welcomed them. I asked a few questions and encouraged my daughter that she could be social with our guests. Once they became acquainted they quickly turned into a set of giggly little girls and were having fun together in the hammocks. Not too long after the parents of on of the girls came over and said hello. Naturally the school bus at the campground became a conversation focal point for awhile and we talked about the many possibilities. They were really nice folks and apparently lived just a few miles down the road from us. As it was time to get dinner started our visitors head out and we got our dinner cooking. It had been a long week for me and I was ready for some rest so after dinner we simply hung out in the hammocks for a while then headed for bed.
** The fiberglass models were on display at the 1964-65 New York’s World’s Fair. The Atlantic Richfield Company donated them to the park in 1970.