Now that I have had a few weeks to get everything situated I am a full timer with the bus. I will be selling the small SUV I have to help with the overall cost of the bus. I am still planning out the layout for the inside but I'm already enjoying it and really look forward each step of this project. There are so many things that I want to do but I will have to take it slow as it all has costs and requires time to do.
I am planning to hopefully be able to take a few longer trips with it in the late fall and winter season. I very much want to take the kids home to Montana this Christmas season to play in the snow and see some family. It has been six years since I have been home and seen any of them. No one in my family has ever even met my son.
I would also like to try for Yosemite National Park. I really enjoyed its splendor as a child and would love to see it in the fall colors while watching the kids take it all in. We'll have to see how progress is going at that time and see what happens with our schedules.
I do have to say that I have driven a full gambit of vehicles of all types but this definitely ranks at the top for me when on the road. The window views are awesome and the International DT466 just hums right along full of authority.