Friday, June 26, 2015

First impressions


  Well here she is.

 2001 International with an Amtran body powered by the DT466 diesel and an Allison automatic transmission.

      I took a one way flight to Saint Louis, Mo. Tuesday morning and made the trek back to Texas.  It took forever it seemed but it was overall a nice drive. 15 hours with stops for lots of liquids and a few gallons of fuel. I wasn't being real exact about the math but the fuel mileage looks to be good at about 10-11 mpg. She ran great and my favorite feature so far is that it has cruise.  The only thing that I must figure out immediately is how to get the front heaters completely turned off they were both pumping out tons of heat and It was hot in there.  I'll look in to that right away this next week but I think I found the valve to stop the coolant from cycling though to the heaters. I will be doing just a few things to get it  ready this weekend and hopefully the kids and I will get to take her out for our first trip Sunday.  I cant wait to see there face expressions when the I show them our new ride.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

In the beginning.

In the beginning... 

       was a man with few unconventional ideas and the desire to enjoy the heavens and the earth.

 So this is our story.

         I'm a single dad with two amazing kids and we're embarking on a journey to create memories that will last a lifetime.  So what's so unconventional you might say.  Well it's our new family member.  Yes it's a good old fashioned school bus.  I have been thinking about building out a super camper for about 15 years and now after many considerations and the current life situation it's time to start.  This is not the first school bus conversion by any means but it is considered to be  an abnormal venture by most. Over the next 3 months we will make some modest changes mostly to the general layout of  the seating in our new ride and attempt to enjoy as many trips to the lakes and parks as we can before school begins again.  Then god willing we'll start making a more elegant conversion to be able to enjoy it for the years to come. I have many ideas already however I really want to get some time in it to truly assess just how to best utilize the space.

     I am excited to make a ton of memories and have the opportunity to teach my kids so many of the things I want them to know about life, nature and gods will as we go on our adventures. I expect the teachable moments to be endless and I have a feeling that I will be learning as much from the experience as they do if not more.  I hope you enjoy our journey as we have some fun and take on the challenges we encounter.

       Blessings to you all!